Friday, September 26, 2008

I accept this nomination..

I have been nominated for being this

I am thrilled and some what initimidated by this nomination.

I feel a bit like this:

You like me, you really like least Liz Jones does.

So thank you Liz Jones on behalf of my mother, father, children, ex husbands and boy friends, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and sock monkeys every where, we salute you as being a true


Now, I am off to watch the sock monkey and Senator, I mean Presidential candidates flip flo.....uh, I mean debate the issues. Please vote Obama, and stop the 8 years of fail. I have been watching for 10 min and only heard McCain attack Obama, telling me of the merits of NUCLEAR power, instead of telling me what he will do for the American people. And as much as I hate to say it...McCain looks like a dinosaur and his top lip never moves. I guess that's what happens when you're full of shit.

Let it be known that the D- Dog and I support Obama as do all of the children that reside in this house. Bring the power back to the people. VOTE OBAMA!

Cow Punk


Anonymous said...

Dear Cow Punk, that kicked ass. I have been in a million different directions lately. Sorry that it took me so long to mosey over and say, "Nice ass kicking!" I'll buy you a round on the house. It's on me today.
I love you too Cow Punk,

Anonymous said...

Dear CowPunk...congratulations on your deserve it...just so you know, everyone at my casa is voting dinosaurs in the White House please...won't it be fun to have a youthful, INTELLIGENT person leading this country? President Obama. That makes me smile. :)
Love you

cow punk said...

Thank you both...I am feeling especially kick ass this morning.

No worries Liz, I haven't moseyed by the ol' saloon in a while myself. I'm a lazy barkeep.

DA, it will be nice to have a young, INTELLIGENT, and dare I say handsome President. Prez Obama makes me smile too.

I love you both, how could I not?

PS.. Thanks for the round, the hooch is running scared around this 1/2 red room lately.