Monday, November 24, 2008

Ok, so everyone was very nice, knowledgeable and helpful at Lowe's yesterday. I must eat my words. In fact, the one guy who helped me, listened to me bitch for 3 minutes and asked me to call the store manager, he's heard it before and agrees with me, that the hot water tank should be pulled from the stores. Yes, they are still selling this piece of garbage. They did not have the part I needed, no of course not. So, I will have to pay shipping. I've decided to order two of these thermocouples so next time I'm already ready already and can save the 24 bucks on shipping. I have written whirlpool a nasty letter and will continue to write them until I get a response I find worthy of the sitution. This is RIDICULOUS. If the part is faulty at least have the decency to make them readily available. GRRR.

Monday, Monday....ick, but 4 day weekend coming up! I love long weekends, I will especially love it, if I have hot water and can see all the people I am thankful for, well I won't see them all, but if I can see most of them. My dad will be in town and that's making me a happy girl. My grandmother is still with us and I didn't think she would be, so another Holiday with her I did not think I would have.

I am thankful for best friends who let me come over to shower. :) I'll remember the bird tonight, no not that bird. ;) The turkey bird.

Well, time to play hillbilly and warm the water on the stove to wash my face, then off to school and work. I was going to go in to see Gilbert today, but I might not leave and I don't like having all his kids look at me...student kids that is. Also Wyatt says he thinks that might be embarrassing for him...maybe I should go in after all ;)


cow punk

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