I have just come in from sitting on my very own porch (yes, the one I have trouble paying for on time), where I observed 3 wood moths having a threesome...if I had not had a threesome of my own with the Crown Royal I would write a fancy french word, but well, you know. I also observed 2 teenaged children walking about my porch asking for donations for their college fund/church. I had to turn them away as I had spent all my money on the afore mentioned whiskey. I felt bad, really, I did, I hope they couldn't smell the hooch on my breath, but I did send them away with a cool, refreshing drink of......
Water, people.
Before I was so rudely interrupted by the moths and children, I was thinking of the rationality of my day or really the irrationality of my day. You see, I put my name in the fish bowel to meet my obsession au jour, in Colorado. What? I have no plans to go to Colorado any time soon. But if I won the lottery, you can bet your spurs I would go on a moments notice........which is about what a person can expect from the man I call sugababy. Yes, sexiest cowboy walking the planet earth (you know who you are), this is you, should you ever wander through my little world. Now, I have had many obsessions through out my life, starting with Donnie Osmond. Please don't hold this against me.....I was 7, I didn't know any better and Donnie was so cute. Personally, I think he's still just a cutie pie. The next obsession I can remember through the haze of my life is Robin Zander. I was lucky enough to meet Robin, he saved me from certain debauchery.....ok not, I totally made that up....I would've never slept with him. After Robin, memories are fuzzy, Nikki Sixx perhaps? Ah yes, Nikki said I had the looks to kill......then the next one is
Which I will add, goes on to this day. I love this man. I will love him until they cremate me. I once dreamed he was my husband before his name was known to me. He and I recently shared a "moment". We gave each other the universal head bangers, "I love you man" sign. It is a moment I shall cherish forever.
Ok, so I've gotten lost thinking of all these crushes. I think the point is, do you really want to meet your fantasy? I don't think I do. I adore him. I wouldn't want that to end. He is the proverbial cat's pajamas for me. He's taken my heart from shattered to broken to only slightly cracked, shown me the ex is an ass who is not worth the scum on the bottom of my shoes and still loves me and wants me back, cured my insomnia, sings me to sleep every night, given me pearl snaps, red cowboy boots and wife beaters. He's made me sassy and beautiful again despite what the neighbors think. No, I think I will remove my name from the lottery and hope fate will intervene.
Hola, or rather Hay Howdy, they've found water on the moon. Those debonair rascals! I'm flattered, Buddahs noches, that I got a mention. No, I'm the dumb cracker, I insist. You're far too kind but do go on. but, you'll not be getting Ariliss.
I'm also a HUGE Dwight Yoakam fan as you may know.
How are those moths by the by? They're drawn like the moths that they are,to a fire.
Buddahs, I had a crush on Sammy Hagar's teeth. I liked Donny but not as much as Sammy.
Well, this comment has been an epic. You're far too kind. Hide the whiskey. I'm coming over for a shot.
Well, Miss Alias, You deserve all the credit I can muster, where else will I find a girl who had a crush on Sammy's teeth? You know he makes a damn fine Takillya, you come on over and I'll have an open bar in your honor, maybe we'll talk the honky tonk Rooster into a chicken dance, at the very least a cookout.
A DY fan? yeah, I thought I knew you from some where. Is there anything he can't fix up?
PS...I certainly would never take your Arlis, but perhaps he has a brother?
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