Wasn't Swoozie terrifyingly stunning? You made need some of this
and a little eye candy will make ya good as new.
Well, I guess I'll return to my pleasant thoughts of Swooze, she did lead me to thinking of Jake. I rarely think of him, but he is a cutie pie and I wouldn't kick him out of my kitchen.
I've recently bounded out a rabbit hole. I think it was Thursday I bounded, I had to come out. Wyatt had orientation at Tech, and it was very important for Wyatt's future that we go. See, Wyatt's got his life planned out already at 17, I am so proud of him, he is such a good kid. I want to keep him on the right track until he gets there.
So, I dressed nicely that morning, well, nicely for a saloon girl. I actually was going to go in a t-shirt and jeans because I had new sneakers, silver, blue, Judy Jetson like shoes. But, at the last minute, I changed my mind. Anyway, we got there late, the little glass classroom was full and so I just meandered around the shop area, not paying attention to the teacher. Imagine that.
In the shop area, there was a giant welded cactus. Like a magnet, I was drawn to it. I'm still unsure of my feelings for it. It was at this time I noticed , it was very hot in there, so I pulled out, ironically enough, a Dwight Yoakam CD, to use as a fan. Usually, I'm Dwight's fan and he's having the opposite effect on me.
All of the sudden, I remember I'm supposed to be listening to someone, so I look up at that someone and he took my breath away. I had all but forgotten what a beautiful feeling that is. I think though, it complicates things that he is my son's instructor. What do you think? By the way, he gave me the cactus, if I could move it. I'm not sure what I would do with an 8 foot, ton weighing, rusty, metal cactus, but I'm sure I could find a place for it here at the saloon.
The future's lookin so bright that I gotta wear shades. yes, I shamelessly stole that. Today, I get to spend time with two of my soul sisters. I haven't seen either in a long time. I'm very happy to see them both and as a bonus, I'm going to see the Dark Knight with my stupid girlfriend Christine, she is neither stupid or named Christine...discuss. And even though Gotham will be dark and sinister, I'm looking forward to going somewhere else for a while.
If you got this far, thanks for letting me ramble on, I do appreciate it. Have a wonderful, peace and love filled weekend.
Dear Cow Punk, You need to grab that instructor and get him a bit loopy, back at the saloon. He'll be much more easier to handle if you can crack the code, so to speak. I know, bad advice, maybe, but I've been married for so long. When ya going to get that cactus?
Liz (Alias Liz Jones) of the Muzikemeister clan
Any advice is good advice, I'm way outta the loop here. I've probably been single as long as you've been married. There aren't too many Mr. Cow punks, which technically are bulls I guess, who can take my breath away. And flirting? What the hell is that? My kids had to tell me "he liked me" The radar's a bit off I'm afraid.
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