Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Shelly's head

Well, I'm sitting here waiting for the cable guy to boot me out of this chair so he can install my internet, I thought, why not wax poetic? Trouble is I'm not waxy and I'm certainly not poetic. The cable guy has been here since 1 o'clock, I'm not sure what the problem is. He is running through my house like he's doing the 50 yard dash. The dog is rather fond of him though. I sort of wish he'd hurry as I have places to go. The upside is I had to leave work to let him in. So, I've been spending a lot of time at the Lonesome Hotel over on RT23, it's nice to catch up sometimes.

So, I've been thinking about actually apologizing to the man who's turned me upside down and inside out for chewing his already tiny hiney. He's so skittish anyway, I probably ought not have done that. I did send cookies his way as a sort of peace offering. He just keeps saying thank you. Poor guy. I've gone and given him a cookie complex of some sort. I also bought him a card, that I'm going to actually snail mail to him. But, I think I'm actually going to give in and verbally apologize to him. I don't do that very often, but then I don't generally chew someone's ass either. No, really. Jennifer don't you say a word. I hear you snickering. Trouble is of course I couldn't beat the living daylights out of, oh well never mind, so I took it all out on him.

Speaking of complexes.....I took an online personality test yesterday and I have some sort of schizzo something or other, it's not phrenia.....some other type of schitzoid disorder. Apparently, I am afraid of close relations outside of my family, I am generally frightened of people, I prefer to be alone inside my head, I have a love of the occult and magic and I'm very strange and I dig it too much. Since when was believing in magic a personality disorder and who decided this? Can they prove magic is not real? I thought not. I am also borderline narcistic and obsessive compulsive. So when describing myself from now on I am going to say I am a narcistic, obsessive, frightened, magical freak who lives inside her own head. Does anyone remember Herman's Head? I loved that show so much. And of course, it was canceled after the 1st season.

The cable guy sure makes a lot of weird noises. I am frightened of him a little bit. No, not really, he's just sort of old and probably tired from the track meet today. Usually, the cable peeps send out young guys who look like Nascar drivers. They once sent one out who looked like Dale Jr. except some how cuter. I was totally unexpectant of this and answered the door in a white t-shirt without a bra. (I was much younger then and the girls were still up there if ya know what I mean) I didn't think he was ever going to leave. I had a boyfriend at the time though unfortunately, otherwise, I wouldn't have wanted him to leave bada bing...What is it with cable guys and getting them out of your house? Oh and they once sent out a guy who looked exactly like Morgan Freeman. Morgan Freeman is not a nascar driver nor does he look like one or even play one on tv that I'm aware of. He did flip his car not long ago though. I don't know how I know these things, seeing how I live in my head and all.

Cow Punk

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